Blog 02: “Plus One”

How I met my boyfriend

Having a boyfriend is the best thing ever. When it all goes right, there is nothing better in life. My boyfriend, who just started dating me, really loves me. I say this with full confidence not because I won’t talk down on him (never ever) but he really loves me and wants the world for me.

We met at work, I know, the worst place to meet. However, he asked me to be his “plus one” at our coworkers wedding. He asked me early in the week and I said, “come ask me at the end of the week.” I didn’t know if he was being serious or not so that’s why I put him to the test to come and ask me again at the end of the week. Well he came back around alright. He came looking for me on our lunch break and said he was serious about me being his “plus one” and told me to wear a black dress. Although I don’t ever listen to men, especially on my fashion choices, something told me to let go and listen. So, I listened and he picked me up that Saturday (two hours late) and he’s now my boyfriend.

I think to myself, “was I his first choice as a ‘plus one’?” and “why me” and most especially, “what if our coworker never got married?” Those questions don’t matter now but I like to know why things happen since I’m a big “there’s a reason behind everything” kind of person. All in all, our relationship is headed in the right direction and I love him very much too.

You may be asking what we enjoy doing together… for me that’s going on dates. I get so much fulfillment in getting myself ready to see him. I get a crazy rush of love when I see his location and he’s on his way to me. Yes–  we share locations, so what? 

But when I get ready for him, I think about how I’m a reflection of him. When we go out and people see us, I want them to think about how great we look and that we put effort for each other because we love each other. If you don’t want to be better or look better for your partner, there is no effort and there is certainly no love.

A little bit about him:

  • He’s handsome 
  • He’s funny (more than me)
  • He’s smart
  • He’s a sports fanatic (of course he is he’s a coach)
  • He’s a coach 
  • He’s quick (with all things especially jokes)
  • He loves me