To put it in the most simple terms, I’m just a girl. a 26 year old girl who was encouraged to start a blog by my boyfriend. For now I don’t think it’s necessary for me to reveal my full name and plus, I prefer to be called “Professor” because I actually am one. My boyfriend is an integral part of this blog. He loves my story times because they’re funny. He also wants me to showcase my writings and have a platform for storytelling. This is the perfect way for me to put my writings down and share them with whoever might stumble upon them.
You also won’t find me speaking about myself in the third person. I’m fully present and living and thriving. I’m not a third person. This blog is authentically me and will always be.
The purpose of this blog is for me to share my talent of writing and rhetoric. Along the way you’ll learn about me and I hope to learn about you.
For now, my blogs will suffice and perhaps, this page will be updated as my life continues.
Professor Blogs